For awhile I've been wanting to do simple art projects to go with the books we check out from the library
So, here is the first Picture Book Art post
Dog's Colorful Day
Emma Dodd
This adorable book is about a little white dog that collects colorful (and messy!) spots on his fur throughout his busy doggy day.
After reading the story the girls drew dogs on a large sheet of white paper.
I set out paint and paint daubers that I made with clothespins and cotton balls
(pom poms also work great).
The girls' favorite part was dabbing on the paint and talking about how each spot got there.
When they were done with their spots we counted them and made a list of what every spot was.
Little A's dog had spots from black rain AND blue rain!
That brown spot on Miss C's dog's ear was from a scrumptious chocolate bear
Let's connect!
Save this idea for later!
I bet it was fun listening to their own stories as they created. I love this activity! I can't wait to see the next post :)