Here are my 5 favorite posts from 2011
(in random order)
Though I love all of the posts we do,
these specific posts evoke special memories
Tall painting popped up all over the web and I was hesitant to try it.
I'm glad we did, I love the bright colors!
We love playing outside and chalk is our go to outdoor art material.
We use it in water, we use the dust, we use it on the easel, we bring it to the park, we've painted with it.
The possibilities with chalk are endless and I'm sure we'll have more fun with chalk in 2012
I love this post because of how simple it is and how much enjoyment it brought.
Just cans hung up in a tree with yarn.
The clinking and the laughter turned out to be the best Mother's Day present ever.
Being outdoors is our favorite thing, adding art to the mix makes it even better!
No doubts about it, there will be more art outdoors to come in 2012!
For some reason I'm drawn to melted crayons.
I loved how smoothly the crayons drew on the warmed paper
how the wax built up layer upon layer when used as "paint"
Expect more melted crayons in 2012!
I want to thank all of my readers, friends, family, and especially my girls for keeping me motivated enough to write this blog.
I hope you all had a fantastic 2011
I look forward to an amazing 2012!
Happy New Year!

All fantastic activities! I want to make a tall painting with my kids this year!